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Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Writer's picture: Chef WayneChef Wayne

Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Chaîne Dinner at The King’s Grand Ambassador Hotel Seoul


May 2011

6:45 to 7:30

Cocktail Reception in Gran-A

Oyster Smoked, 훈제 굴 Natural Oyster with Lemon, Red wine vinaigrette, 굴 Oyster Shots굴 샷 Sustainable Local Sturgeon Caviar with other caviars, lump fish, flying fish roe green Yellow, Orange, Traditional Garnishes include Chopped Onion & Egg, Sour Cream, Lemons & Capers Peking Duck Roll Foie Gras Dim sum Sea Urchin Clam Chowder Vol-au-vent

3 kinds of Absolut Vodka (Absolute Citron, Absolut Ruby Red, Absolut Apeach,)


Chaine Dinner The King’s 13th May 2011 7:30

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Bread 2 types

Mini Rosemary Olive Salt Bread

Mini Bacon Cheese Roll


St Jacque Soupoudrees de Truffes Australiennes

Langoustine au Citron Et Confiture de Kumquat au Chili d`Agrumes

Scallop Dusted with Australian Truffle

Lemond Scampi with a Citrus Chili Kumquat Jam

트러플을 뭊힌 관자와 시트러스 칠리 금귤잼을 곁들인 레몬 새우튀김


Saumon Roule au Foie Gras et Sauce Riverina

Foie Gras, Salmon Roulade

with Riverina Sauce

푸아그라 연어롤

Croustade d`Ecrevisse Marron

Marron Crayfish Crustacean Croustade

밤 가재 크루스타드

Sorbet de Mangue d`or

Golden Mango Sorbet

망고 셔베트


Agneau a la Broche,

Ballotine de Crabes et Crevettes, Barramundi au Saffran

Sothern Spit Roasted Lamb, Shrimp Crab Ballotine

& Saffron Barramundi

샤프론 바라문디와 크랩 케이크

Tarte Potiron Fromage et Caviar

Caviar & Pumpkin Cheese Tart

연어알과 호박치즈 타르트

Ice Wine

Glace Acacia Wattleseed et Fruits de la Passion avec Noix de Macadamia

Macadamia Passion Fruit Meringue & Wattleseed Ice-cream

마케다미아 머랭과 와틀 씨 아이스크림 패션후룻트소스

Petits-Fours au Chocolat Valrhona

Petit-Four Valrhona Chocolate

발로나 초콜릿

Café/ Thé


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